Kids Club (Yoga and Zumba)

Ages 4 – 12

Our Kids program is filled with fun, engaging activities that introduce young children to the basics of wellness. Through playful poses and imaginative stories, children learn balance, coordination, and mindfulness in a supportive and joyful environment.

As children grow, our sessions adapt to their developmental stage. This program incorporates more structured poses and sequences, fostering physical strength, flexibility, and concentration. It's a perfect way to help older kids manage stress and develop a healthy lifestyle.

Enhances Physical Development:

Through playful poses, children improve their balance, coordination, and overall physical fitness.

Encourages Social Interaction:

Yoga sessions in a supportive environment promote positive social skills and teamwork.

Boosts Mental Well-Being:

Engaging activities and imaginative stories help children develop mindfulness and emotional resilience.

Fosters Creativity and Imagination:

The use of imaginative stories during yoga poses stimulates creativity and makes learning fun.

Ignite Their Growing Curiosity

Every journey begins with a spark. Perhaps you're looking to introduce your child to the world of yoga. Maybe you're eager to transform a family activity into a shared passion. Or you might have a desire to create a meaningful experience that nurtures both body and mind. At Maggie's Mindful Playground, we’re here to help you turn those aspirations into reality.


Kids Club (Yoga and Zumba)

  • 30 minutes: $75.00

  • 45 minutes: $90.00


Teen Club